Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Second day

Hi Blog!
We meet again~ It's seem u r being loved by quite some lovely friends xP anyway...

Thankz to all my lovely friends...especially Huei Ying xP for her first ever smile (comment) on my blog. ^___^ and Vei Da!! thx for the left out comment from US xP ^___^

I do hope more in the future xP...(duh...i admit i m greedy LOL~)
Hey yea...if some of u had read my first ever post...i did mention that upcoming demon-like-test no?
haha...LIFE is so unpredictable...

There was a SUDDEN change this morning...

Postponed to exactly a WEEK from the day but...

Everyone had a mixed feeling...

Because on the same week there will be another TEST a day before it.

n so...duh~~i m not sure to be happy or not >______<>

~~My thoughts for today~~
Happiness, Sharing n Love
I m sure these 3 words u would wanted them everyday...n...dun worry u will get them ^_^

Anyway...again...I would like to express all my luck to them...who are having d upcoming test...xD JIA YOU and GOOD LUCK


  1. Happy or not, we also have to take it lah :D

    Just jiayou! :)

  2. haha...thx huei ying ^^ yeah~~jia you too...the important is happy LOL~not happy no gd result LOL~ =3=
